DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki

In the game there are several types of "Mystery Chests" that the player can purchase with treasure Gold or Gems, or are awarded in different ways.

They are a kind of loot crates, that can award the player with common or more prized items, that have different odds. SoD has published the list of items and odds for the mystery chests you can find in game, and you can find the details here.

  • Treasure Chests spawns in any main area of the game, and they can be purchased with Gems or Coins;
    • A Mobile Exclusive variant called the Ad Chest was introduced in December 2nd, 2018, it rewards Dragon-based items and Eggs;
    • In October 10th, 2019, Dreadfall Chests will spawn and take place of the normal variant between October 10th to November 3rd, these can only be unlocked with Gems and they reward Candy;
  • Daily log-in rewards gift the player with Fish mystery chests and Farm items mystery chests.
  • Mystery Dragon egg chests, Mystery Box of Farm Supply and Farm Stock chests can be purchased from the Store.
  • At the end of seasonal Loki's Mazes, the twins offer you a blue, a purple and a gold mystery chest for Gems or Coins. They also include limited seasonal farm decorations, and the gold chest (250 Gems) awards a random dragon egg.
  • Other known mystery chests are the ones awarded for Battle Events or gem chests as a reward for Stable Missions. Unfortunately there are no published odds for these kind of chests.

Every time a player enters one of the five major areas, one Treasure Chest spawns in the area. Chests costing 90, 170, or 250 Coins to open are the smallest variety of chest and are surrounded by small blue sparkles. They are the "Gold Tier Treasure Chests". Sometimes, a larger wooden chest with pink sparkles and/or an even larder golden chest will appear. The chests with the pink sparkles can cost 21 or 37 gems to open while the golden chests will cost 81 or 112 gems to unlock. They are the "Platinum Tier Treasure Chests".

Below, you can find the published odds for type of items in each chest, so you can decide where to try your luck for the items you're interested in. However, these odds seems to not be accurate, check this blog post to see what you can really expect from chests, thanks to data gathered by a player.

Note: these chests can award also Fish or Boost items, even if they are not listed here. Check One-Time items below for a possible explanation.

Gold Tier Treasure Chest[]

Treasure Chest 1 (90 Gold) Treasure Chest 2 (170 Gold) Treasure Chest 3 (250 Gold)
Category Odds Category Odds Category Odds
Farm Decoration 37.4 % Dragon Skin/Paint 33.1 % Dragon Skin/Paint 42.2 %
Apparel 34.4 % Farm Decoration 26.6 % Dragon Saddle 32,4 %
Dragon Skin/Paint 28.4 % Dragon Saddle 26.0 % Apparel 15.2 %
Fishing Rod 2.3 % Apparel 13.1 % Dragon Egg 9.9 %
Dragon Egg 1.7 % Dragon Egg 10.7 % Farm Decoration 4.3 %
Dragon Saddle 1.2 % Stable 2.5 % Stable 3.0 %
Stable 0.2 %

Platinum Tier Treasure Chest[]

Treasure Chest 1 (27-39 Gems) Treasure Chest 2 (81 Gems) Treasure Chest 3 (112 Gems)
Category Odds Category Odds Category Odds
Dragon Saddle 41.2 % Dragon Saddle 66.7 % Dragon Saddle 68.2 %
Dragon Skin/Paint 38.9 % Dragon Skin/Paint 20.7 % Dragon Egg 23.4 %
Dragon Egg 9.2 % Dragon Egg 12.5 % Stable 6.9 %
Farm Decoration 6.9 % Farm Decoration 11.2 % Farm Decoration 4.6 %
Fishing Rod 4.4 % Apparel 4.6 %
Stable 3.7 % Stable 3.0 %
Apparel 2.3 %

One-time Items[]

The following items are awarded once before being removed from the pool of potential prizes. 

  1. The Allfather (Gold Tier Treasure Chest 1)
  2. Storm Forged
  3. Feline Grace
  4. Mask of the Thunder God
  5. Hunter's Mask
  6. Sand Wraith Tiki Mask
  7. Stormcutter Tiki Mask
  8. Leather Pauldrons
  9. Pink Rage Skull
  10. Green Rage Skull
  11. Dragon Rider's Mask
  12. Rage Skull (Gold Tier Treasure Chest 2)
  13. Black Rage Skull
  14. Blue Rage Skull (Gold Tier Treasure Chest 3)
  15. Dragon Rider's Pauldrons (Platinum Tier Treasure Chest 1)

It is speculated (by player's experience), that when these items are removed from chests, they are substituted by Fish or Boost items. The remaining items odd do not increase as a result.

Chest Locations[]

The School[]

The Training Grounds[]


Icestorm Island[]

Ship Graveyard[]

Ad chest

Introduced in December 2nd, 2018, the Ad Chest is a Mobile-exclusive Chest, exactly what the name implied, you can open by watching an Ad, The Ads are 15-30 seconds long. It primarily rewards Dragon-based items and Stables, and it has a chance at occupying one of the spawning spots of a normal chest - it's larger than a normal Coin Treasure Chest with darker wood and metal, the most distinctive feature is the Class symbols painted on it. You can only open it five times a day. Once you have opened one you must leave the location you are in and enter a new location for one of these chests to spawn.

For unknown reasons, the Ad Chest is the only chest that is not listed in School of Dragons' official Loot Crate list, therefore, the % list can exclusively be found within the game's coding.

Sometime during the Summarhildr 2022 update, a glitch appeared where players could tap the ad chest and open it without watching the ad, as well as open unlimited amounts of ad chests. This was (and is still, since the glitch has not yet been patched) an easy way to get eggs and stables quickly and freely. It is unknown if this works for all players or just some.

Introduced in October 10th, 2019, the Dreadfall Chests are a Dreadfall-themed chest that rewards Candies, they can only be unlocked with Gems and there's four variants: Normal, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Appearance Variant Price Amount given Appearance Variant Price Amount given
Dreadfall chest Normal 25 Gems ?? Candy Dreadfall chest gold Gold 150 Gems 101-250 Candy
Dreadfall chest silver Silver 50 Gems 31-100 Candy Dreadfall chest platinum Platinum 250 Gems 230-300 Candy

Box of Fish is rewarded on the second consecutive log-in day, while a Farm decoration box is awarded on the fourth day.

Mystery Box of Fish[]

Item Odds
Herring 26.1 %
Perch 26.1 %
Halibut 17.4 %
Brown Trout 13.0 %
Eel 8.7 %
Salmon 8.7 %

Mystery Box of Farm Supplies[]

Item Odds
Booted Plant 6.9 %
Stone Bench 5.7 %
Maw Fire Pit 5.3 %
Bird Bath 4.8 %
Chicken Pen 4.6 %
Potted Plant 4.6 %
Helmet Plant 4.6 %
Hatted Plant 4.6 %
Wood Bench 4.6 %
Yak Pen 4.6 %
Sturdy Sheep Pen 4.1 %
Sturdy Chicken Pen 4.1 %
Garden Viking 4.1 %
Chalice Fire Pit 3.9 %
Barrel of Weapons 3.4 %
Whirly Gronckle 3.4 %
Whirly Nadder 3.4 %
Night Fury Totem 3.0 %
Dreadfall Skele-totem 3.0 %
Viking Totem 2.8 %
Green Dragon Totem 2.8 %
Fancy Barn 2.8 %
Viking Scare Dragon 2.3 %
Terrible Totem 2.3 %
Dipping Dragon 2.3 %
Barn 2.3 %

Mystery Box of Farm Stock[]

Category Odds
Feed 29,6 %
Produce 66,6 %
Animal 8,6 %

Mystery Box of Farm Supplies Ticket[]

Category Odds
Decoration 79,7 %
Pen 21,4 %
Composter 2,1 %

Mystery Dragon Egg Chest[]

Item Odds
Gronckle Egg 8.55 %
Hideous Zippleback Egg 6.41 %
Monstrous Nightmare Egg 6.41 %
Deadly Nadder Egg 4.27 %
Thunderdrum Egg 4.27 %
Whispering Death Egg 4.27 %
Skrill Egg 2.14 %
Scauldron Egg 2.14 %
Rumblehorn Egg 2.14 %
Flightmare Egg 2.14 %
Hobblegrunt Egg 2.14 %
Smokebreath Egg 2.14 %
Typhoomerang Egg 2.14 %
Raincutter Egg 2.14 %
Hotburple Egg 2.14 %
Snafflefang Egg 2.14 %
Changewing Egg 2.14 %
Fireworm Queen Egg 2.14 %
Tide Glider Egg 2.14 %
Scuttleclaw Egg 2.14 %
Sand Wraith Egg 2.14 %
Sweet Death Egg 2.14 %
Woolly Howl Egg 2.14 %
Shivertooth Egg 2.14 %
Speed Stinger Egg 2.14 %
Shockjaw Egg 2.14 %
Moldruffle Egg 2.14 %
Mudraker Egg 2.14 %
Razorwhip Egg 2.14 %
Grapple Grounder Egg 2.14 %
Snow Wraith Egg 2.14 %
Prickleboggle Egg 2.14 %
Sliquifier Egg 2.14 %
Boneknapper Egg 1.28 %
Stormcutter Egg 1.28 %
Screaming Death Egg 1.28 %
Snaptrapper Egg 1.28 %
Quaken Egg 0.43 %
Thunderpede Egg 0.43 %

Odds are given for a blue Coins chest (315 Gold), called Chest 4 and a pink gem chest (? Gems), called Chest 5. These chests differ from the spawnable treasure chests, because they offer limited seasonal apparel and farm items.

The twins also always offer a gold chest (250 Gems), that has a 100% chance of giving a dragon egg. From the data published on SoD page, it seems that there are 3 different option of this gold chest (Chests 6-8), that differ in the species available and their odds.

Dreadfall Maze[]

Chest 4 (315 Gold) Chest 5 (? Gems)
Category Odds Category Odds
Farm Decoration 55,1 % Dragon Saddle 27,0 %
Dragon Skin/Paint 30,0 % Farm Decoration 22,0 %
Apparel 17,2 % Dragon Skin/Paint 21,4 %
Fishing Rod 2,5 % Apparel 17,5 %
Dragon Saddle 2,0 % Dragon Egg 12,1 %
Dragon Egg 1,8 % Stable 3,1 %
Stable 0,3 %

Snoggletog Maze[]

Chest 4 (315 Gold) Chest 5 (? Gems)
Category Odds Category Odds
Farm Decoration 53,0 % Farm Decoration 47,3 %
Dragon Skin/Paint 32,0 % Dragon Saddle 24,4 %
Apparel 13,0 % Dragon Skin/Paint 19,3 %
Fishing Rod 3,1 % Dragon Egg 11.0 %
Dragon Saddle 2,2 % Stable 2,9 %
Dragon Egg 1,0 %
Stable 0,3 %

Spring Maze[]

Chest 4 (315 Gold) Chest 5 (? Gems)
Category Odds Category Odds
Dragon Skin/Paint 43,4 % Dragon Saddle 36,6 %
Farm Decoration 29,0 % Farm Decoration 26,3 %
Apparel 20,4 % Dragon Skin/Paint 26,3 %
Fishing Rod 4,3 % Dragon Egg 13,5 %
Dragon Saddle 2,3 % Stable 2,4 %
Dragon Egg 0,6 %
