DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki


Eret icon

I trapped so many dragons for Drago's army in the past. I can't change the past, but maybe I can try to make sure it doesn't happen again. There are a lot of Vikings out there who don't know that we can live peacefully with dragons.
Can you have a chat with Hiccup and his dragon rider friends about their dragons? They can tell you what they think is best about each dragon.

1- Talk to Hiccup


Hiccup icon

Toothless is the only Night Fury out there. He is one of the smartest dragons I have ever met. He thinks he's smarter than me, I bet! The Night Fury also never misses with his plasma blast, and he uses them to protect his fellow dragons.

2- Talk to Ruffnut


Ruffnut icon

Dude, Barf and Belch rocks so much! Riding the Zippleback with my brother really taught us teamwork. We have to work together or the dragon doesn't go anywhere.

3- Talk to Tuffnut


Tuffnut icon

Barf and Belch can light gases on fire! A Deadly Nadder can't do that. Only Zipplebacks have that kind of power.

4- Talk to Astrid


Astrid icon

I've grown so close with my Stormfly. My Nadder follows my every order in an instant. She's really accurate with fireballs and spines!

5- Talk to Snotlout


Snotlout icon

Hookfang is best at everything! To choose one, I say he's the best at making a scene. No one can look away when a Monstrous Nightmare lights itself on fire.

6- Talk to Fishlegs


Fishlegs icon

Meatlug is so considerate! She always knows what I'm thinking and she tries to make me feel better. What a sweet dragon!

Eret icon

Cheers for the help, [Your Viking's Name]. Come back to me by the Training Grounds and tell me what Astrid thinks is best about her Deadly Nadder.

7- Talk to Eret at the Training Grounds

Nadder quiz

Quiz 1


Eret icon

That's very interesting. It sounds like the Deadly Nadder is an offensive specialist. I still remember Stormfly pinning me down like her favorite toy. In fact she still does it every now and again so I always need to keep on my guard.

What did Fishlegs have to say about his Gronckle Meatlug?

8- Answer the Gronckle Quiz

Gronk quiz

Quiz 2


Eret icon

That lad always seemed very intelligent to me.

According to the twins, what special ability does the Hideous Zippleback have?

9- Answer the Zippleback Quiz

Zipple quiz

Quiz 3


Eret icon

How about that other lad? The one with a bit of an ego - not that there's anything wrong with that. What special ability does the Monstrous Nightmare have, according to Snotlout?

10- Answer the Nightmare Quiz

Nightmare quiz

Quiz 4


Eret icon

That's true. It's hard to look away when a Monstrous Nightmare lights itself on fire, especially when it lights your boat on fire, too. Now then, what did my mate Hiccup say about Toothless's strengths?

11- Answer the Night Fury Quiz

Nfury quiz

Quiz 5


Eret icon

That's very interesting! Did I ever tell you about Skullcrusher? He's my Rumblehorn and an extremely powerful dragon. I'm starting to get used to having him by my side, always--my faithful friend.

You're a good one, [Your Viking's Name]. I'll be able to put what you told me to good use when I talk to other Vikings across the seas.
